Inaugural post

I have succumbed to the web completely - so here's a blog. Working on open source projects and interacting with the world seems to absolutely mandate that I have a blog.  Well - here it is.

Some of the topics I'm involved with include, in no particular order:

  • Open source cloud platforms, mostly OpenStack but poking at things
  • SOA and Cloud - best buddies?
  • Java, python ruby php and their ilk seem to be part of the territory...
For the occasional excursion from excitement I try to go hiking camping and when the weather in the US NE is like today, riding. I'm still hoping to get (back) around to flying and fly my homebuilt Q200 (at that point in time, I'd probably need a pig-radar)

... that's it for today. I've got me some RAID's to configure!


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